The Extraordinary Mission of God’s Faithful Messengers
“Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects Him who sent me [that means, the Father, who is in Heaven].”
Jesus (Luke 10:16)
In light of this quote, one must be careful when preaching the message brought to us by Jesus through the Evangelists. If we do not properly convey the teachings of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, listeners will credit to Him misunderstood lessons. By distorting celestial precepts, the mistaken person will be in a delicate position before Eternal Justice, since he/she will be serving as an instrument of the “invisible wolf” trying to divert Lord’s sheep.
In order to be a faithful messenger of God’s Word, the evangelizer does not need to make up anything. All he/she needs to do is to read Jesus’ Gospel-Apocalypse with a heart that is inspired by Fraternal Love and with a mind that is well enlightened by Divine Truth. Analyze it all in Spirit and Truth, in the light of the New Commandment of the Sublime Shepherd—“Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples” (The Gospel of Christ according to John 13:34-35). What must be always kept in our minds is that no one can preach with hatred what the Heavenly Father taught us with Love. The day everyone studies the Good News and the Book of Final Prophecies in this way, then we will be close to the throne, to the apogee of the extraordinary task Jesus bequeathed to our modest capacity. To some human eyes, the Master may seem divinely incoherent. But He is not.

My consistency is the well-being of my fellow beings

Ralph Emerson
I recall a reflection by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) that Gandhi (1869-1948) used to quote: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

On some occasions, I have explained that Mahatma Gandhi was obviously not advocating ungoverned thinking, ignorant inconsistency, while propagating Emerson’s reflection. As a wide-minded man, he perfectly understood that such “consistency” was an excuse for many who did not want to move forward. That explains why he pursued what is above people’s common standard of understanding—the consistency of divine moral, which we all must learn about.
Therefore, we must not act irresponsibly, trying to convey a criminal meaning to that expression.
Inspired by Hindu ancient wisdom, Mohandas also used to say: “The path of Truth is for the brave alone, never for a coward.”
In my book Reflexões e Pensamentos — Dialética da Boa Vontade [Reflections and Thoughts — Dialectics of Good Will (1987), based on the examples given by Jesus, the Christ of God, I wrote that my consistency is the well-being of my fellow beings.
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