Everlasting Christmas of Jesus
For more than two thousand years, Jesus’ example has symbolized the possibility of a permanent peaceful coexistence between peoples.
One of the noblest purposes of all Christians of Goodwill is to persevere, with Accomplishing Faith, in announcing the Triumphal Return of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, to the planet. I always consider it appropriate to talk to you about this subject.
The scope of the Good News, which the Merciful and Altruistic Son of Mary and Joseph presented to us, demonstrates that His presence among the beings on Earth should never suggest fear to the brothers and sisters in humanity who do not profess Christianity.
Jesus does not bother human common sense. Being a Sublime Benefactor, He comes to add to the full sustainable, spiritual, material, ethical, and social progress that we strive to achieve.
Christ on the Clouds
As a modest contribution to the subject, in 2000 I launched the book Apocalipse sem Medo [Apocalypse without Fear], in which I gathered some of the talks I have been giving for decades on the radio, TV, and, in recent years, on the Internet.
But let us take a look at this point: what is the meaning of Jesus returning on the clouds?
In the Apocalypse 1: 7 and 8 we read:
“7 Behold, Jesus is returning with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all peoples on Earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be. Amen.
“8 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty God.”
Who enunciates this comforting prediction about the Triumphal Return of Jesus is God Himself (verse 8).
Let us not, therefore, fear the Book of Revelation, which announces that He will return on the clouds, that is, from the Highest, to sublimate our knowledge in Religion, Science, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, Art, Sports, etc., by virtue of what He knows very well: Fraternal Love and Divine Justice.
The day will come when we shall witness all earthly wisdom receive His incomparable Brightness. The youth need to understand this and begin to analyze the human, personal, and international facts, under the luminosity of His teachings; free, however, from any fanaticism. Jesus is not shackles, but freedom without vice or drugs, or other foolishness that means nothing more than the relentless destruction of the individual.
The Apocalypse is Superior to Nostradamus
The strongly coded expression of the Book of the Final Prophecies serves to instigate our curiosity. If everything were detailed, you would read it all at once and still say, “Oh, of course!”
A good example for this argument is that of Nostradamus (1503-1566). Everyone talks about him . . . But few reach a palatable definition of what he predicted. It is because the seer of Salon wrote in such a labyrinthine way that there are countless interpretations for what he intended to convey. . . . They live, then, even though they do not show it, attentive to what the French augur said, precisely because of their appetite to decipher his writings and to conceptualize these predictions. It is part of our inner self.
Now, the Apocalypse, because it comes from Jesus, is superior to the predictions of the author of the book Les Propheties. We note this clearly when, having “eyes to see and ears to hear,” we try to interpret it in Spirit and Truth, under the light of the New Commandment of Christ (The Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35): “Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another.” In other words, never with a hatred that seeks to crush creatures.
Long live the Everlasting Christmas of Jesus!
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