No One Is Lost

In my book Jesus, o Profeta Divino [Jesus, the Divine Prophet] (2011), I ask an intriguing question: Do you want to triumph over your own self and succeed? Let Jesus coexist in your Spirit and let Holy Mary comfort your heart maternally at rough times throughout the human journey.
In fact, no one is hopelessly lost or abandoned in this world.

We must not lose sight of the invitation from the Celestial Provider to overcome any and all difficulties that may arise along the way. In His Gospel according to Matthew 21:22 and 17:20, He promised: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. If you have Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Alziro Zarur
Oh Divine Master, Head of humanity, which mountains can Accomplishing Faith move from our path? Through the sacred intuition—which is Your voice in us—we know the answer: it is despair, lack of money, the need for many other things, illness (of the Spirit, body, and mind), lack of love, incomprehension, slander, infamy, hunger, and anything else that may afflict Your beloved children. That is why in his lessons from the Universalist Spiritual Center of the Religion of the Third Millennium, Brother Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) taught us that “Faith is God Himself. Faith is the same as God.”
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