The Swallows Always Return

Alziro Zarur
Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), late founder of the Legion of Good Will (LGW), wisely warned everyone: “Suicide does not resolve anyone’s anguish.” Therefore, no one should commit suicide imagining that they would be pain-free by acting in such a fatal way, because they will awake in the Other World more alive than ever, and with all their problems aggravated. To escape from suffering through suicide is to repeatedly fall in the hands of suffering, therefore, under the torture of the “invisible wolf,” the obsessing spirit that must be defeated, but not mistreated, and consequently redeemed by the sheep of Christ. We should always remember the popular saying that was immortalized by the beloved Brazilian poet, singer, and composer Adoniran Barbosa (1910-1982), in his Saudosa Maloca, recorded by him in 1951, and in a vinyl record by singer Marlene (1922-2014), from São Paulo, Brazil: “God gives us the cold as the size of our blanket.”

Éliphas Lévi
And He really does. All we have to do is be clever and know that we should intelligently use our blanket in “winter” until “summer” comes around again. I usually remind everyone about this timely aphorism by the French writer Éliphas Lévi (1810-1875), comforting those who fight for the Good and move steadily on despite the worst conditions to be overcome, since the Sun of Hope shall shine: “Happy are those believers who never lose hope and, in the winter of the heart, await for the return of the swallows.”
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