Every day is Children’s Day
For the Legion of Good Will every day is Children’s Day. We know that this is also true for the many public and private institutions that are devoted to looking after children. In this way they are planting the future of their countries in the present days. Therefore, they are to be congratulated!
If we have common sense, maturity, and love towards children we will be capable of reconciling the most dissimilar of aspirations to form one single disposition to comply with the supreme command of the Ecumenical Christ in His Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35, and 15:12 and 13: “A New Commandment I give you: Love one another as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples. . . . There is no greater Love than to lay down one’s Life for one’s friends.”

They are not fools
Once someone asked me the following question, which I promptly answered, and it is very opportune for this subject:
Q. — Why do the Super Good Will Communication Network*¹ programs, which are on such a high spiritual level, attract children so much?
A. — Precisely for that reason: their high spiritual level. This story of thinking that children do not understand things is nonsense. They pay attention to everything, especially now in these modern times of media and technological revolution. Children are always listening and participating, right from their first wail. While they are still in their mother’s womb they register sound and light. That is why our radio and television programs are always esteemed by the Little Soldiers of God, as we fondly call them here. They perceive the greatness of the universalistic message of the Religion of God.
Those who think children are foolish are the foolish ones. Some adults, however, are still deaf and insensitive to teachings that, with all their elevated spiritual content, are naturally assimilated by the wisdom of a child...
But, thanks to Jesus, there are still those in this world who give them the attention they deserve.

Casimiro Cunha
Brazilian poet Casimiro Cunha (1880-1914), who was physically blind but was able to see clearly that which must be seen, in his “Cartas do Evangelho” [Letters from the Gospel], on the page called “A Criança” [The Child], a psychographic work by the late Brazilian medium Chico Xavier (1910-2002), declaims:

Chico Xavier
The heart of a child/ Is like a lily of light./ Cultivate this sacred flower/ For the garden of Jesus.
In the recommencement of life,/ Love can work,/ Renewing the feelings/ In the temple of light known as home.
Give children the love/ Of your understanding,/ Leading them to Christ,/ The model of the heart.
When infancy ends, which is a day/ Of light and spontaneity,/ Souls return again,/ To the struggles of mankind.
Educate your little ones./ Those who do not learn about love/ Receive a bitter lesson/ From the experience of pain.
*¹ Super Good Will Communication Network — Created by Paiva Netto, it is composed of radio and TV stations, the Internet, and publications.
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