Defense of All of Us

Booker T. Washington
Renowned American educator Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)—first president of the legendary Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (now Tuskegee University), in Alabama State (USA), who dedicated himself to creating better conditions for the individual growth of former slaves and their descendants, as well as of indigenous people—wrote: “There is no defense or security for any of us except in the highest intelligence and development of all.”
The relevance of this statement by someone who was an advisor to presidents of the United States speaks for itself due to his tireless efforts and courage. Not surprisingly, he became one of the greatest and most influential speakers of the black community in his country.
It is clear that such reflection currently applies to all human race—God’s Capital—as the untiring Dr. Washington undoubtedly and deeply wished. His Soul envisioned a future where racism, which I personally see as a social cancer, would no longer exist.
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