Everyone Will Learn How to Govern Themselves One Day

There are still people who get bothered by hearing about the Apocalypse. However, it contains a myriad of brilliant passages, as if they were the most beautiful poetry despite their powerful message. Someone once said that the Divine Prophetic Book in the New Testament was proof of God’s lack of Love for His creatures. We can only conclude that, though respectable, this dear brother or sister never read its enlightening lessons or did so in a rush. . . . Material culture is not enough. That is why we need to combine the common knowledge of human affairs, however elevated they are―such as Literature, Languages, Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Art, Domestic Art, etc.―and the spiritual knowledge that makes up the most refined teaching, so that we may be better to one another. For this reason, we strive for Social and Sustainable Development, Education, Culture, Art, and Sports, so there may be Socio-environmental Awareness, Food, Security, Health, and Work with Ecumenical Spirituality for the progress of people, which is the motto we have introduced into the Good Will Organizations. This is a method that has produced good results for our society.

Alziro Zarur
The study of the Apocalypse―in Spirit and Truth under the light of the New Commandment of the Love of Christ: “Love one another, as I have loved you. Only by this shall all of you be recognized as my disciples, if you have the same Love for one another” (The Gospel according to John 13:34 and 35)―is of the utmost importance to us so we become aware of what we are really doing on Earth. One day, even though it is far from now, human beings will be so committed to fulfilling their duties first, which are above all spiritual and moral, that the sense of leadership will undergo a profound process of maturing, for people will responsibly transform themselves, since educating must start in the heart. After all, a remarkable quote from Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) is that “to govern is to teach each individual to govern himself/herself.”

This also means re-educating the educators, hence the Crusade of General Reeducation of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. Most schools do not encourage men or women to reflect and to reason. Socrates (c. 470-399 BC), in his acknowledged wisdom, modestly proclaimed that the more he knew, the more convinced he became that he needed to learn more. The secret of the unbelievable success of each one truly coming to understand that they are responsible for their own actions and stopping putting the blame on others is found in the Gospel-Apocalypse, for those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear” and who are not subject to any prejudice, albeit under the guise of the most advanced intellectuality.
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