
Paiva Netto received on June 28, 1999 in the city of São Paulo, the Troféu Super Cap de Ouro (Super Cap Golden Trophy) in the category of Writer of the Year. He is an effective member of the Brazilian Press Association (ABI) and of the Brazilian International Press Association (ABI-Inter). Affiliated to the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Writers of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Radio Broadcasters of Rio de Janeiro, and the Brazilian Union of Composers (UBC).
He writes in several Brazilian newspapers, besides some international press vehicles. The North-American writer Errol Lincoln Uys observes, "Paiva Netto, a practical man, nevertheless has the soul of a poet." In the opinion of the master of professors Moacir C. Lopes, "He is a very talented writer." And, according to the definition of the professor and literary man José Cretella Jr., "He is an excellent stylist, always up to date with novelties."
He is the author of several best-sellers, of which the five volumes of the collection O Apocalipse de Jesus para os Simples de Coração (The Apocalypse of Jesus for the Simple Hearted), As Profecias sem mistério (The Prophecies without mystery), Somos todos Profetas (We are all Prophets), Apocalipse sem medo (Apocalypse without Fear), Jesus, o Profeta Divino (Jesus, the Divine Prophet), and Jesus, a Dor e a origem de Sua Autoridade — O Poder do Cristo em nós [Jesus, the Pain and Origin of His Authority — The Power of Christ Within Us]. Also, Crônicas & Entrevistas (Chronicles and Interviews), Como Vencer o Sofrimento (How to Overcome Suffering), and Reflexões da Alma (Reflections of the Soul). Many of these titles have already been translated to dozens of other languages.
After the As Profecias sem mistério (The Prophecies without mystery), the champion of 1998, that sold over 150 thousand copies, he repeated the success: the book Somos todos Profetas (We are all Prophets), published by Elevação Publishing House, was another best-seller of the writer Paiva Netto, leader of sales in the 9th International Book Biennal, in Rio de Janeiro, and in the 1st International Book Room, in São Paulo, the two major book events of the Country, held in April/May of 1999. In this work, the author reaches sales as surprising as before, maintaining himself even at present on the list of the most sold titles in the main Brazilian bookstores.
The differentiated and contemporary form of writing with which the author disserts on the themes contained in the Apocalypse of Jesus, the final part of the Holy Bible, has been winning over a legion of fans. People from all social classes and that perform the most varied professional activities manage to find in this approach a true source of useful teachings for their day-to-day existence.
It is further worth mentioning that in 1998 was the great repercussion of the As Profecias sem mistério (The Prophecies without mystery) in the most competitive national and international events of the literary area, like the 50th Book Fair of Frankfort (Germany) and the Liber'98 – 16th International Book Fair of Spain, in Barcelona. And his success does not stop there. It crossed frontiers and reached hundreds of bookshelves in Portugal, apart from having been ordered by bookstores specialized in works in the Portuguese language in Japan, Germany, and Holland. It was last exported to the United States, at the request of the gigantic Barnes & Noble, the largest network of bookstores in the world. These results are due to the good comments regarding the Brazilian phenomenon in the national and foreign market.