Faithful Companion
Master Pain is the faithful adviser who speaks to those who know how to learn the lesson that a distracted existence cannot offer because it ignores it.

However, the outstretched hand of the Divine God always appears on the horizon of bitterness, constantly prepared to raise up the fallen who beg Him for help. At this moment, the creature finds his/her Creator, if he/she so wishes, according to the inviolable free will. Spirit and Matter interact, and the unattainable solution proves to be feasible for those who have Accomplishing Faith. Why Accomplishing Faith?! Because it is not enough to have Faith. One needs to transform it into a concrete action that benefits the individual and the collective. This is called Solidarity.

Martin Luther
It is very pertinent to mention the enriching quote found at the beginning of Martin Luther’s (1483-1546) book On Christian Liberty, translated into Portuguese by Professor Leônidas Boutin, with the support of the Reverend Pastors Heinz Soboll and Richard Wengan, from the Evangelical Community Church of Curitiba, Brazil, in 1958. I opportunely included it in one of the pages of my work Reflexões da Alma [Reflections of the Soul] (2003), with the following comment: One of the biggest questions put by most of those who desire spiritual salvation is: “What pleases God most?” The Great Reformer, Martin Luther, has the answer, as quoted by Professor Leônidas Boutin: “To have true and unshakable Faith in the Word of God, which is found in the Holy Scriptures. And whoever has true Faith must do Good Deeds, that is, love their fellow beings, for it is impossible to have Faith without practicing Good Deeds, which are the natural and inevitable results of it.”
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