The Heritage of Charity
Charity is God's comfort for the Souls and the cordial relationship between human beings who firmly desire this world to be preserved. It plays a spiritual and social role. It is not just a private act of hastily helping your fellow being. It is an ennobling policy, a humanitarian planning, a strategy, God’s logistics, and understood as Love that is offered to us so that there are survivors of human cupidity. Charity is the Divine Force that keeps us on our feet. We know, and we just have to look it up in a dictionary, that Charity is synonymous with Love. Therefore, it is respect, solidarity, companionship, and citizenship without ferocity. The world needs Love and affection. People who say they do not want to be loved are either sick or lying, which in the case in question is the same thing in the end. You can be sure that the person is silently screaming, “Help! I need to be loved! But I don’t have the courage to say so! I’m ashamed to ask my brothers and sisters for their Love, little though it might be! But listen to my desperate and silent appeal!”

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As I wrote in my book Como Vencer o Sofrimento [How to Overcome Suffering], Love reveals the Light, and the Light drives away darkness. What more do we want? Human beings are lacking in true Love. This is what many leaders of the people definitely need to understand. Those who govern the heart govern well. Some people exclaim: “Oh, I’m not talking about Charity!” Unfortunately, they believe that Charity comes down to quickly giving small change to every beggar who asks them. They are already at fault when they become irritated with the needy person, which is usually effect and not cause. They should reflect on this Latin saying: "Hodie mihi; Cras, tibi." (Today me, tomorrow you). In other words, today he is the beggar, but tomorrow it may be us. The worst thing is that some people transfer this “exasperation” to a very high feeling, which is Charity, which they do not understand very well, but which is personified as the glue that binds the separate parts of world society. After all, Charity is the hope that rests in God.
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