Cremation, Prudence, and Charity

Chico Xavier

Without the Soul the body is just a corpse. However, this statement of mine does not mean that the remains, at least for some time immediately following death, cease to be instruments for conducting sensitivities to the Spiritual Being by way of the perispirit. To help better understand this teaching, we are going to turn to the words of the Spirit Emmanuel, when he talks to us about the delicate subject of cremating dead bodies. He replies to Question 151, which is found in the book entitled O Consolador [The Consoler], psychographed by Chico Xavier (1910-2002): “151 — Can the disincarnated spirit suffer because of the cremation of cadaveric elements? A: In the cremation process, it is imperative to treat the corpses with compassion, by procrastinating for a few more hours the act of destroying the material viscera, because, in a certain way, there are always many echoes of sensitivity between the disincarnated Spirit and the body from which the ‘vital tonus’ has been extinguished in the first hours after death, due to the fact that the organic fluids still need the soul for the feelings of material existence.”

In his famous interview for the Pinga-Fogo program on the former Tupi TV in São Paulo, Chico Xavier stressed what Emmanuel advises when answering a question from a viewer: “If we choose cremation, after we disconnect from our carnal vehicle the body must be kept in a cold chamber for at least 72 hours before it is cremated.”

Dr. Bezerra de Menezes
I also present for your analysis some considerations from our noble friends Indian Flexa Dourada (Golden Arrow) and Dr. Bezerra de Menezes (1831-1900), the famous politician and charitable doctor of the 19th century. They came through spiritual communication by means of the Sensitive Chico Periotto, Christian of the New Commandment of Jesus. Their cautionary advice deserve our dedicated attention.
Flexa Dourada says: “With regard to the instruction of Emmanuel that bodies should only be cremated after 72 hours, and maybe not even then, this would be acceptable for a Spirit that is completely [in life] detached from the flesh. The best thing is to bury the body of the person who has disincarnated. What comes from the earth goes back below the earth. This is the law of Nature.”
And Dr. Bezerra reinforces: “Always spread the word that cremation is not seen with good eyes in the Spiritual World. Even when the Sprit has already fully left the physical vessel, recollections still remain in the spiritual memory. Let us allow the Earth to consume what it brought without aggression. Everything that radicalizes, everything that is an affront to the human apparel, interferes with spiritual equilibrium. Let us treat our bodily vessel well. Let us make it God’s dwelling place. . . . Imagine an accident with a truck traveling at high speed hitting a wall. Cremation is several times worse than this.”

Avoiding Cruel Suffering
My Brothers and Sisters, our charitable duty impels us to bring you these warnings for us to reflect upon.
Someone may naturally argue that they do not believe in any of this, and Fraternity, which must be the banner of dialogue, leads us to respect everyone’s beliefs. But what if we are dealing here with a reality? There is still so much for us to get to know better! Every day Science discovers new facts or corrects theories that used to be unnegotiable. . .
In the name of the Love we devote to our loved ones, it costs nothing to reconsider the subject and thus avoid cruel suffering after they pass over to the Other Life.
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