Manifest of Good Will (II)
There is no good regime while Man is bad
(...) This is the great moment of the religious, political, entrepreneurial, syndicate and community leaderships getting united for the goodness of this extraordinary World, which has been watching so many frontiers fall, one after another. But may this union transcend the worn out ways of the social adjustments, the systems adjustments, the regimes adjustments, adjustment of no matter what, because there is no good regime while the Man is bad: greedy for power has subverted the true sense of authority. Everyday, in the newspapers, people read about the search of new ways to turn their lives better; however a culture of repairs, which roots can be researched, since the earliest times, persists. Meanwhile, pungent dramas endure without solution because the great programmers of the people’s destiny, always afraid of losing the hypnotic control of the masses, forget that the great strategy, still being put to the test, is the Love (I am not speaking about omission or cowardice). (...) The more laws have been made the more Creature without Education will find many ways to violate them, while she does not understand that we have commitments to each other. Without this comprehension the society has been a farce, unless it wants to be a cannibalistic one. It is necessary to join the intellectual effort to the hands one, to the philosophy the hard work. It is indispensable that the inspiration descends from the Highest to the accomplishment plains. This is the great moment we denominate the Politics of God, the Politics for Man and for his Eternal Spirit. We are not a bag of flesh. We constitute something besides this: Spirit!
Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), the greatly missed founder of the Legion of Good Will, used to say that “there is no safety apart from God”: the God naturally understood as Fraternity, not the bloody instigator of fanatic actions. His reasoning, evidently, also applies to politics, as well as to all the other segments of Man’s life on Earth.
The economic, social, religious safety, so ardently wished in the contemporary world, will never be reached without the principle of respect towards the Human Being and his spiritual values. Gorbachev, representative of a nation until recently considered to be atheistic-materialist, concluded that we cannot live without spirituality. It is more than obvious, as the famous Brazilian playwright and writer Nelson Rodrigues would say.
Difficulty promotes creativity
Brazilian People have faith; however, they will never be neglected before their duties to the Country. What is the deep social, moral, spiritual and political crisis, which has been shaking the entire Planet, except one of our greatest opportunities disguised as misfortune? We always use to say that it is at the moments of crisis that the great characters are shaped and the most powerful nations emerge. When we are with God, even the adversity becomes the best moment to create — and this is the Brazilian People’s case —, even the adversity becomes the best moment to create. Difficulty promotes creativity. Use your Brain!
The first victim of despair is the desperate. Well, all victories are at our reach, decidedly at our reach, by the power of our work.
In order not to be dragged by the transformations that sweep the planet, we must occupy our forefront position. We have everything, in action of spiritual, political, social will, to overtake the sea of difficulties and be able to stay side by side with the first ones at the arrival in the future. We cannot be the country of the miserable fellows as Emil Farhat complained of.
We, the Brazilian citizens, have been a proud people of our pacific behavior in the international sociability. For having our frontiers ensured where the flags determined, we have stayed on them without wandering of conquest and continental hegemony. The predisposition for Peace does not mean, however, the escape from the great duties of Solidarity towards the Men’s community.
The power of nations is result of each one’s work. It will be not worth for us vast territory if we were not able to keep it; the great Nature resources will be useless if we do not know how to make good use of them with zeal and parsimony; intelligence will mean nothing if we do not know how to use it as instrument for common welfare.
A great challenge has been put before Brazil and also a tool to beat it. The challenge is of the historical moment, of the difficulties that we must overcome. And the instrument is the union of our strengths, starting for the courage to face and confront the dramas caused by the chronic differences that afflict us since the colonial era as the shame of the slavery and the maintenance of Negro, mestizo, white and the poor people into the human and spiritual illiteracy; because the less instructed they are, they will be more slaves and distant from the true freedom; and this instrument have still been: moral force, civic force and power of our faith in the Creature and her Creator. It is evident that no nation will be strong if it lacks only one of these qualities. Mainly, now, when the world gives signs, not always pleasant, of a sketch for a kind of a worldwide government, foreseen by Albert Einstein in 1947, like an exorcism to the danger of a nuclear conflict, which is, by the way, not the only impact able of damaging life on Earth. The bad use of computer systems is one of them.
(To be continued)
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