The Birth of Jesus!
Two significant dates prepare the spirit of people for the celebrations of yet another Christmas, of the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman. I am referring to the International Human Solidarity Day (12/20) and the day dedicated in Brazil to orphans (12/24).
On His first visible visit to the planet, the Heavenly Provider exemplified with His own life the value of solidarity without borders, whether they are created by language, the color of the skin, political opinion, etc. He also adopted an ecumenical approach of protecting the underprivileged people of the Earth.

Reflecting on the broad and unrestricted meaning of Christmas for the LGW and for those it closes ranks with in building “a better Brazil and a happier Humanity”, I remember an extract from a circular I wrote in Brasília/DF dated June 4, 1997. It is part of my book “Liderar sob a proteção de Deus” [Leading under the protection of God], which is under preparation.

I dedicate it to all the hearts of Goodwill: (...) Let us address a fervent Prayer to Christ, our Lord, inasmuch as this is the safe path that will lead us to victory. In Christ we shall conquer! What do we want if not to offer the disinherited of the world a Special Supper that feeds their thirsty Spirits for all time with food that comes from Above: Jesus, the Bread that descended from Heaven? This Bread that descended from Heaven is also Education, Culture, Food, Security, Health, and Work with Ecumenical Spirituality! A dream that comes to us from the Christ of God, so that we may establish it all over the world, for which we need to develop a realistic sense, in order to infallibly lead the multitudes on the paths of the Soul. This is because in these times of advanced technology Humanity urgently needs to be more sensitive to the generous sentiments that drive Fraternity and Social Solidarity, which are sorely lacking these days. (...)
A Merry Christmas to everyone and a prosperous New Year full of Good achievements!
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