Closed Prisons
Developing the intellect is not enough to form the true citizen of the third millennium, which has a thousand years to create a new kind of civilization. Intellect and good feelings must join forces.

Victor Hugo.
Fear is born out of ignorance. That is why those who open schools and spiritualize knowledge enlighten Souls and close jails. Victor Hugo (1802-1885) used to affirm that those who open schools close prisons. It is urgent to spread the Ecumenical Citizen Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of Love, Care, and Affection, so necessary to nourish the Spirit, and that are energetic remedies to heal any illness, beginning with psychical illnesses, which impair the absorption of the lessons necessary for the intellectual development of the students. The beauty of life is endless learning.
Free people
Educated people are free people. Popular masses that are more and more instructed, educated, and spiritualized are the key for progress, since without fraternity and respect, no society can ever be at peace with itself and, therefore, live a worthy and happier existence, both materially and morally speaking.

Alziro Zarur
When Malcolm X (1925-1965), a Muslim and great African North American leader, overcame the setbacks he suffered in life, he declared, “[The] only persons [who] really changed history [were] those who changed men’s thinking about themselves.” Alziro Zarur (1914-1979), late founder of the Legion of Good Will (LGW), proclaimed that “To govern is to teach each individual to govern himself.” There is no other way than through Education with Ecumenical Spirituality, and we must not forget that good physical and mental health is fundamental for finding a good job.
Leisure and the grave

Malcolm X
I am accustomed to saying that today’s crumbs are tomorrow’s feast. So let us not waste our time, capacity, talent, and intelligence with the sophisms of laziness. Stoic philosopher Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD)—who was born in Spain and had the sad fate of being a tutor and advisor to Nero (37 – 68 AD)—protested against those who scoffed by saying, “Leisure without study is death and the grave of a living man.” Indeed, what comes with an excessive ease endorses the nearest tomb, whether considered from a physical or moral standpoint.

Education exists to set human beings free and, with the indispensable Spirituality, it sublimates them. This is the Pedagogy of God, which prepares the individual to live the concept of an ecumenical and planetary citizenship, established on the full exercise of Solidarity.
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