The Ozone Layer and the Plagues of the Apocalypse
When commenting in previous articles about the planet’s ozone layer, I promised to return to this subject, which is intrinsically linked to our survival. I begin by quoting an extract of an article from Agência Estado written by Jamil Chade: “According to the UN, the US space agency (NASA), and 300 scientists from all over the world, the mantle that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation has stopped reducing, but it has not begun to recover itself. The study showed that the gases that were causing the depletion of the ozone layer have been successfully substituted. However, in their place products are being used that may have an even stronger impact on climate change, if there is no control over them.”

This is one hopeful piece of news that will certainly be worthy of other studies and analyses by specialists in the subject. Let us follow the events without losing sight of the fact that much still needs to be done for us to be free of this torment.
The seven Plagues and human actions
My readers’ attention was drawn to the similarity of the message of the Apocalypse of Jesus, 16:8 and 9, in the Fourth Plague, with this particular subject: “The fourth Angel poured out his bowl on the sun and it was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God who had power over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.” This is prophetic language from almost two thousand years ago which says a lot about the present days. Despite what we know of the harmful effects of over-exposure to the sun, there are those who do not recognize this (which means "gnashing one’s teeth at God") and put themselves among those who may develop skin cancer, cataracts, or other diseases, for example.

Warnings from the Supreme Creator
This is an opportune moment to bring you an extract from an impromptu radio broadcast of mine from 1991 in which I analyzed the Seven Plagues in the series “The Institution of the Deacons”, which I presented in the lessons of the Apocalypse of Jesus for the Simple-Hearted:

(...) A mentor from the Divine Clarities warned that “if sowing is free, reaping is obligatory.” From this we understand the reason for the Seven Plagues, mentioned in Chapters 15 and 16 of the Apocalypse. This is the vintage of irresponsible sowing. The advice of the Apostle Paul in his Letter to the Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

John the Evangelist
Let us go to the first verse of Chapter 15 of the Revelation of Jesus, according to John —The Seven Angels with Seven Plagues: “Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and amazing, seven Angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished.”
A sign from heaven is already something extremely significant. But John insists on emphasizing that this other sign is great and amazing. It is a way of drawing our attention to the fact that we cannot be distracted given what might occur, because the heavenly manifestation is truly great and really amazing: no fewer than Seven Angels brought the Seven Plagues, which were the last in a series of serious things (why not call them terrible?) which we, Human Beings, have fostered over the millennia, such as the damages caused to the ozone layer which is much more harmful than might be imagined by an inattentive Mankind, specially young people, who are so hopeful of the future; however, most of them are oblivious to the warnings of the Supreme Creator of all of us.
The Example of the Roof
To illustrate this truly apocalyptic reality, created by men and not by God, it is as if we had casually knocked the roof off of our house and exposed our family and ourselves to the bad weather, in a climate already affected by the irresponsibility of greedy humans. But it so happens that the “downpour” that falls from the Cosmos, entering the open roof at the top of the Earth’s atmosphere, lets through worse things than rain, even when it is acid rain. There you have it, something about the action of the Seven Plagues, caused by our neglect, which reinforces the validity of the divine warnings contained in the Book of the Final Prophecies. We have an example of this in the description of the Seventh Plague, in Chapter 16, verse 21 of the Apocalypse: “And great hailstones, about one hundred pounds each, fell from heaven on people; and they cursed God for the plague of the hail, because the plague (caused by Human Beings themselves) was so severe.”
We have to, therefore—losing our fear of the Apocalypse—calmly reveal its warnings while there is time, and develop the good sense we need for defending our lives, because hope is infinite. (...)
Inspired by Christ, I stated: Human Beings preferably grow when challenged by the problems of existence. That is why, with my thoughts elevated to the Divine Teacher, I have been reminding You that it is in times of crisis that great characters are forged and the most powerful nations emerge. When we are one with God, difficulties just serve to make us grow. They teach us to fight wisely.
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