The Return of Jesus in the Clouds Goes far Beyond the Literal Meaning
“Behold, Jesus is returning with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him. And all peoples of Earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen” (Apocalypse 1:7).

What does the fact of Jesus coming in the clouds express, other than the literal understanding described here? It expresses the fact that when He comes back all areas of human knowledge must be returned to Him, not only Religion, but also Politics, Philosophy, Science, Economics, Art, Sports, and everything else, since these were the talents that the Lord of the Harvest left with His servants so that they could multiply them, while He left on a journey. On His return He rewarded “each person according to what they had done” (The Gospel of Jesus according to Matthew 16:27): to those who met their commitments, the prize of honor; to those who despised them, the corresponding sanction (The Parable of the Talents, the Gospel according to Matthew 25:14 to 30). In God’s Harvest the crime of impunity cannot prosper, a crime that with so many misdeeds has dragged entire nations down.
“Behold, Jesus is coming with the clouds” means that He originates from Above, to where we, whatever our belief or lack of belief, must raise all things that have been befouled by the mockery of some, in order to receive the true enlightenment. It is time for Humanity to look up.

Alziro Zarur
“Jesus is the Sun of Charity,” Alziro Zarur taught us, and I add: And because He is Divine, this King-Star casts no shadows.
So, when everyone is really prepared to live under this Heavenly Luminosity, Politics will cease to be something dark and obscure. Beliefs will be freed from the part of Babylon that makes up everything that man puts his hands on. Economics will no longer be this worldly Babel that the people do not understand, because it has been like this: multitudes abandoned to favor the wealth and abundance of one or other group, of one or other nation.
“Behold, Jesus is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him” (Apocalypse 1:7), in other words, He is coming to raise Religion, Science, Politics, Philosophy, Art, Economics, Sports, and everything else to this enlightenment that comes from Above, brought by Him on His magnificent Return, be it literally or spiritually accomplished.

“And every eye will see Him,” no eyes will be prevented from noticing the clarity of Christ that is to be reflected on all the progress born of human genius and that, at the same time, were befouled by that part of Babylon that unfortunately human beings still insist on cultivating over the centuries.

Apostle Paul
Jesus coming in the clouds expresses that He is coming in the plenitude of His Moral Power, His Authority, and His Greatness. Only He can cleanse the minds of all creations born from uncontrolled thoughts, so that these same minds can shine, being enlightened with the Divine Part of Religion, Politics, Science, Philosophy, Economics, Art, Sports, and whatever else it might be. This is the Politics of God: showing that in the Holy Bible, from the first book of the Mosaic Pentateuch to the Apocalypse, there are realities that are insights for us, as long as they are analyzed in line with the warning of the Apostle Paul:
“Spiritual things must be spiritually discerned.” (First Letter to the Corinthians 2:14)
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