What Is Missing in the World for There to Be Peace?

Baron d’Holbach
Never before has civilization achieved such significant technological advancements as it has today. What is missing then for there to be Peace? Progress needs to be sublimed by Ecumenical Spirituality, which potentially accompanies us—whether we know it or not and whether we want it or not—even before we were born. We must proclaim it, as believers of God, provided, naturally, that He is understood as Love, Truth, and Justice, which “is the support of the world,” while “injustice, on the contrary, is the origin and source of all the calamities that afflict it,” according to the thinking of philosopher Baron d’Holbach (1723-1789).
As I wrote in Dialética da Boa Vontade — Reflexões e Pensamentos [Reflections and Thoughts — The Dialectic of Good Will], published in 1987: In a future which we, civilians, religious people, and military men and women with common sense, hope to be near, Peace will no longer be established under the caterpillar tracks of tanks or with the boom of cannons; over piles of corpses or with crowds of widows and orphans; not even with magnificent accomplishments of material progress without God. In other words, without the corresponding ethical, moral, and spiritual development. Human Beings will discover that they are not only sex, stomach, and intellect, subjugated by what they consider to be the only reality. Within themselves dwells the eternal Spirit that speaks to them of other lives and other worlds, which they seek either through Intuition or Reason. Even today the peace of men is still the peace of wolves and of some crazy short-sighted individuals who rule people on Earth.

Peace, true Peace, arises first from the pure hearts of human beings, and only Jesus can remove all hatred from the hearts of humanity, because Jesus is the Lord of Peace.
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